Return on Investment (ROI) is a measurement of the estimated gain or loss of your investment. In short, will this machine pay for itself, and if so how fast? There are several variables when considering any ROI that are sometimes overlooked or forgotten. This ROI calculator provides our customers with a list type questionnaire to make it easy to consider all those common variables when buying a machine and their impact to the bottom line. We encourage everyone to play with the numbers to get a feel for the opportunity a new machinery investment can have.
ROI Calculator
$Not included in the ROI Calculation
* To Convert Lineal Feet to Board feet, take the width of product in inches divided by 12. (ex. 5000Lnft of 3" wide product would be converted to Board footage by the following formula ((3/12*5000)) = 1250bf)
** 2080 hours used for annual calculations
*** This calculator is to be used for creative thought and is not in any way a performance guarantee of ROI by Northtech Machine LLC